
Special Tags

hsc adds some special tags, which can be quite useful for maintainers of big HTML-projects. If you use them right, the can save a lot of time and nerves.


You can insert a comments with
<* This is a hsc-comment *>
You can also nest such comments.

And you can comment out sections of html-source without any problems for the browser. This simply is possible because comments in the hsc-inputfile are not included into the html-output file.

Of course, if you need the standard comments, you can use

<!-- This is a html/sgml-comment -->
as usual.

Include files

A sourcefile can be included to the text using
<$INCLUDE FILE="filename">

Insert several stuff

You can insert several stuff using the tag
<$INSERT what [options]>

Insert current date and time

You can insert the current date and time simply by
using a default format.

Optionally, you can pass a format-string, that discribes the time (see ANSI-C function strftime() for discription of placeholders).Example:

<$INSERT TIME FORMAT="%b %d %y">
inserts current date with the strange ANSI-C __TIME__-format.

Insert text

As an required argument, you must give a string that contains the text. Example:
<$INSERT TEXT="hugo was here!">
inserts the text "hugo was here". Of course, this does not make much sense.<$INSERT TEXT="..."> is suggested to be used with attribute values. Example:
<$INSERT TEXT=<href>>
inserts the value of the macro-attribute href.

Define Macros

I think, this feature needs an own page...


Thomas Aglassinger ( agi@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at ), 09-Oct-1995, 10:58